Raised to Walk | Sharing Good Thoughts About Good Words

Sharing Good Thoughts About

Good Words

Welcome to Raised to Walk! A site for discipleship resources. We publish deep dive Bible studies, Christian commentary, and are dedicated to connecting and growing the community of Christian writers and thinkers.~ C.M. Alvarez, founder

Update: August 2024

The purpose of this site is to share good thoughts about good words; however, there are certain individuals that don’t think that the words I say should be distributed or that I should be allowed to say any words at all. Since the beginning of 2023, I have been the target of relentless attacks to every account and initiative that I am a part of. I believe that this attack is multi-faceted because, of course, evil is also about its own self-interest.”

However, based on the posts that have been particularly targeted, I believe I and all my platforms are being targeted and sabotaged because I have spoken out against Senator Ted Cruz.

This is a violation of my First Amendment right as a U.S. citizen. All of my platforms are being suppressed. I appreciate any support and suggestion you have to offer.

– Carla Alvarez


Everything's Bigger in Texas

Texas spent $35 billion on pens

$35 Billion in Pens!

If You Watch Nothing Else

If you watch nothing else, watch this update from September 28, 2024, when I discovered the Texas Department of Health and Human Services issued a purchase order to WorkQuest for $35 billion in pens.

The Posts Ted Cruz Doesn’t Want You to Read

Below are the posts that have been particularly targeted in an effort to sabotage them and wipe them out of search.  Search results are being sabotaged with wrong urls indexed. I have redirected them as I come across them.

Also sabotaged are my Sunday Thoughts weekly updates where I share thoughts for the week and give an update on our immigration efforts with Afghan Christians. The perpetrators have twice hacked the AWS account where the mp3 files are stored. As of today, they have locked me out of access as they were able to fake my login and secure it with a security key on a USB, which only they have. I have the files. I can upload them elsewhere. However this will take time.

Why are they so threatened by these updates? Because I provide factual information regarding immigration and back up everything I say with documentation whereas Ted Cruz lies continually.

Because of this, because Ted Cruz lies and my words highlight that he is, I believe this is why my site has been sabotaged. This is not the only reason, there has also been wholesale theft of everything I have written; however, I believe the intensity of the attacks are because we are approaching an election that Ted Cruz is trying to win in a state where no one likes him. So their campaign “strategy” is to try to take out a third-grade Sunday school teacher who has been teaching Bible studies to Afghans.

-Carla Alvarez
August 24, 2024


hanukkah, hypocrites and ted cruz

On Hanukkah and Hypocrites: An Open Letter to Ted Cruz

On elections, faith, and parties

On Elections, Faith, and Parties

When Life Seems Overwhelming: Stand Your Ground

Another post that has been sabotaged with fake redirects in search. What did I say in this video? The Ted Cruz is a sellout. He is.

My Sunday updates with reflections for the week and an update on where we are with our efforts to help the Afghan Christians of Kabul Hope church have also been targeted and sabotaged. As of today, I have not had time to go through the years’ worth of updates. However, I believe these updates are being targeted as the only thing some segments of the political sphere seem to be able to campaign upon is lies about immigration (there is no such thing as open borders!). So their solution is to hack, sabotage, and destroy a Bible teacher’s website and social media platforms that is telling the actual story of what it is like in reality.


Just like the Israelites, we will encounter some giants. Circumstances that seem to make God a liar. The corruption will seem too great, the addiction too strong, or the diagnosis too dire. When the giant you are facing seems too big for God to handle, remember this . . . Jesus was dead. He had been in the grave for three days. When it seemed like it was all over, God proved His power and won the ultimate victory.

– C.M. Alvarez, #NoFear: a 7-Day Devotional

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The War on Women

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What Christians Think About Sex

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