Lifeway Bible Studies
Rejected: Luke 4:16-30
January 24, 2021: What would it be like to be the waited for Messiah and be rejected?
Celebrate: Luke 15:20-32
March 15, 2021: Jesus’s parables of the lost show how God celebrates our restoration.
Remembered: Luke 22:7-20
April 25, 2021: Remembering Christ’s sacrifice through the Last Supper.
Revealed: Luke 24:1-35
May 23, 2021: Revealed: Jesus reveals his identity to those who seek him.
Hope Defined: Job 14:1-14
June 13, 2021: Job shows us how to define our hope.
Power Displayed: Job 40:1-14
July 11, 2021: In Job 40, the Lord describes the display of his power. Do we trust in ourselves or him?
Death Explained: Ecclesiastes 9:1-10
August 22, 2021: The wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, wrote the book of Ecclesiastes about the purpose and meaning of life. The wise person gratefully lives all the days he or she is granted.
Joy through Humility: Philippians 2:1-15
September 19, 2021: Believers find joy through humbly following Christ in all circumstances.
Joy through Contentment: Philippians 4:10-20
October 10, 2021: Believers find joyous contentment in God’s eternal presence.
The Gospel Lived: Colossians 3:1-17
November 14, 2021: Believers are to reflect Christlike character in their daily lives.
Saved: Ezekiel 11
December 12, 2021: God offers hope in the midst of judgment to those who trust in Him.
Demonstrate Allegiance: Daniel 3
January 29, 2022: Believers must stand for God regardless of the potential costs.
Future Seen: Daniel 7:1-14
February 20, 2022: Believers can live with confidence knowing that God’s kingdom is eternal.
Commended: 1 Thessalonians 1
March 6, 2022: Transformed lives impact others for the sake of the Gospel.
Promised: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
April 10, 2022: The promised return of Christ gives believers hope when grieving.
More About This Bible Study Series
The earliest classes were taught entirely online as it was still during the pandemic and we were social distancing, and then the classes switched to hybrid. Members of the class that were traveling or that couldn’t make it in to church joined us online and then, later, the Afghans joined us from Pakistan on Zoom.
These Bible studies have been published on my Bright Sheep Ministries YouTube channel; however, I haven’t previously published them on Raised to Walk as they aren’t technically a “series.” We rotated among different class members for the teaching each week and I taught once a month. Not all of the people teaching wanted theirs to be recorded.
However, I am publishing them here now for a number of reasons.
First, some of them are really good and I frequently share the videos. This will make them more easily accessible.
Second, I am publishing the text here as evidence of my work as I know that the content thieves have also stolen the transcripts from these videos.
Third, when everything connected to my phone was hacked in August, the gmail account that the Bright Sheep Ministries YouTube channel was attached to was one of them. I was able to recover control of the Gmail account, but the thieves moved the YouTube channel off of it. The channel and some of public videos are still visible on YouTube, but I don’t have control of the channel. (Yes, I have reported through multiple channels to YouTube and Google to reclaim the channel with no response.)
The public videos are just a fraction of the videos uploaded to the channel. There are many more private and unlisted videos of Bible studies that I did with the Pakistanis and Afghans. I’m not sure what the motivation of the theft is, whether it was just out of petty malice to sabotage yet another one of my efforts, if it was part of the ongoing attempt at identity theft as I share some personal information in some of the videos, or if it was to steal the transcripts of the private videos for additional content to feed the AI model the intellectual property thieves built off my work.[1] Whatever the reason, it is concerning as those Bible studies were with Christians who are at extremely high risk and one of my Afghan translators had already been outed as a Christian.
Regardless of the reason, I hope you find these Bible studies useful.
[1] As I document in the Hacked: the Saga series, I discovered that content thieves have stolen everything I have published and produced and built an AI model off of it. Between 2019 to 2023, I was steadily producing Christian content, both Bible studies and book reviews. When I became involved with helping the Afghans, that production slowed.
My understanding from this study is that AI models are heavy data consumers. They output data, but they require a constant flow of incoming data for that output. When an AI model is consuming it’s own previous output rather than new and original input, it can lead to an “irreversible defect” and a “model collapse.”
This was the dilemma the content parasites found themselves in. From what I’ve observed, they built a “Christian” content/PR agency using the AI model they built with my content as the foundation. When the content flow from me shut off … they had a problem and resorted to hacking my devices for unpublished content to keep the AI model alive.
Rita Matulionyte, “Researchers warn we could run out of data to train AI by 2026. What then?,” The Conversation, November 7, 2023, accessed December 27, 2024.
Shumailov et al., “AI Models Collapse When Trained on Recursively Generated Data.” Nature, 631.8022, 755-759, accessed December 27, 2024,