Category: Reviews

Light in the Darkness by Charlotte Thomason

Light in the Darkness is a 25-day devotional for trauma survivors written by Charlotte Thomason. Watch an interview on the inspiration behind the book.

5 Books You Should Read Before You Die

There are many “lists” of books to read. But if you had to pick just five books to recommend to someone that they should read before they die, what would those books be?
These are my “5 books to read before you die” that I am recommending.

The Insanity of God Review

The Insanity of God is a book by missionary, Nik Ripken about his experience as an on-the-ground missionary, as well as a compilation of his years of research on the persecuted church. It was published in 2012. Nik has also published two other books: The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places and The Insanity of Sacrifice: A 90 Day Devotional.

An Unexpected Journal: Saints and Sanctuaries

Every quarter, we publish a new issue of An Unexpected Journal, a journal devoted to cultural apologetics. For Spring 2022, we are discussing “Saints and Sanctuaries.” Why saints and why sanctuaries?

After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre

What is virtue? This is one of the questions Alasdair MacIntyre asks in his book After Virtue. Originally published in 1981, it was considered a groundbreaking work in moral and social philosophy … or maybe not so much “groundbreaking” as clarifying.

On Deceptive Experiences: A Review of “Dodging Evil”

Dodging Evil is the memoir of P.C. Field and her encounters with two worlds, the physical world and the unseen world. Born of part Yaqui heritage, she inherits abilities of her people to see into the unseen world and recognize spirits in operation.

The Abolition of Man Summary

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis is considered one of the masterpieces of the twentieth century. Written when Nazi Germany was terrorizing the world, Lewis warned of the true danger, of thinking oneself is the center of all true and above the moral law.

Spirit of the Rainforest Review

What does the spiritual world actually look like? In this Spirit of the Rainforest book review, we get an inside look through the eyes of a Yanamamo shaman.

An Intro To Apologetics

If you are looking for an intro to apologetics, there are excellent books available. Learn basic apologetic arguments now.
