Category: Giving Thanks

Jehovah Nissi – Our Daily Deliverer

Jehovah Nissi, The Lord is my Banner means: he is over us, he protects us, and he will bring us through. This is true both in the little situations as well as in the details of our every day lives.

Thanksgiving: On Giving Thanks

Sometimes people complain about the Christmas celebrations beginning too early, but our Thanksgiving service on Sunday was awesome highlighting the reason we are have reason to give thanks.

The Synchronicity of God

A week ago, the director of my Bible study asked if anyone would share their testimony of how they came to know Jesus as their personal Savior.  Several people shared their story.  As I listened, I was thinking, “I should really video these.”

Thankful for Freedom

While it may seem cliche, I am very thankful that I live in a country where we can worship God freely and openly without infringement.  As of today anyway.
