Have you ever wondered what hacked Google Search Console reports look like? I share mine in this Livestream.
0:00- Everything we do affects more than ourselves
In last week’s update, I talked about how everything that we do has an impact on more than just ourselves. This is part of what we learned in the Bible study on the book of Job. Most of the dialogue in the book is on the different ways we can bring judgment on ourselves (our own actions, the actions of our family, our associates, our employees, and our community).
One of the earliest Bible studies that I did when I started doing lives was in the 2019 series that I did in the One-Year Chronological Bible study series from the book of Hosea titled, “What is the Spirit of Harlotry?”
This Bible study highlights the exact principle behind the September 14th update, “Have you thought about the kids?” because not only are the actions of the hackers opening themselves up to criminal and civil liability, but it is also bringing them and their family under judgment until their sin is confessed and repented of.
These aren’t my words … this is what the Lord says.

As I prepared for the September 14th update, I did a quick search on DuckDuckGo to find the actual article (this is usually faster than logging in to my site and searching for the post).
1:18- Sabotaged search in DuckDuckGo
To my surprise, I discovered that the article had been completely wiped from search. DuckDuckGo is a Microsoft Edge-based browser and, according to DuckDuckGo, it pulls from a wide variety of sources for their search index rather than just one.
This is how weird the disappearance of this article is. There were pages that came up when I did an exact match search “What is the Spirit of Harlotry?” in DuckDuckGo: the post for the Bible study notes, the topic and category pages that list the excerpt for the spirit of harlotry Bible study, a number of listings for the podcast for that Bible study on Amazon, and a related article on my site where the spirit of harlotry Bible study must come up as a suggested article … just not the actual Bible study page for “What is the Spirit of Harlotry.”
Read the paragraph above again and understand the significance. This was a deliberate deletion from the index.
What is so threatening about that Bible study that someone would go to all that effort?
My site has been sabotaged in a number of ways, but one of the first things that I discovered was that the topics pages had been sabotaged. Anything with “topics” in the URL redirected to a “page not found” error. Also the topic pages themselves had been sabotaged. I included screenshots of this sabotage in the complaint that I submitted to the FBI on July 28, 2024.
6:13- Ongoing sabotage of raisedtowalk.org in search
I have screenshots of Google Search Console from May showing that my entire site had been deindexed. On May 27th, only two pages from my entire site were indexed in Google.
I also have screenshots showing a significant drop in traffic corresponding to the deindexing. These screenshots were included in the FBI complaint. When I received no response from the report, I began doing livestream videos giving an account of the ongoing sabotage and hacking. In those updates, I have talked multiple times about certain articles being targeted on my site including posts that were slightly political and those that were totally faith related (“On Hanukkah and Hypocrites: An Open Letter to Ted Cruz” (2017), “On Elections, Faith, and Parties” (2018), “Standing Your Ground: When Life Seems Overwhelming” (2023), “What Praying for Revival Looks Like” (2015), “Who is Jesus to You?” (2016), and “How to Find God” (2015).)
I wasn’t making up drama or a story. I know what sabotage looks like and I saw recognized it in the sabotage of the URLs on my site, the sabotage in Google Search Console with wrong URLs indexed, the negative SEO directed towards those pages on my site, and the flooding of syndicate network blogs with similarly titled posts in an effort to drown my page out of search.
I have screenshots of the sabotage. I have videos that I recorded as I was investigating in Google Search Console (what I share in this video is just a sampling of the videos and screenshots I have documenting this). I have screenshots of the drop in search traffic.
This is what was displaying in Google Analytics and Google Search Console before. Before I started doing the livestream updates and talking about it publicly.
7:17- Why I started Raised to Walk
I started Raised to Walk in 2013. At the time, I was ghostwriting for a ministry that had more of a “Hebraic” perspective on Christianity. When I do design and I am working for a client that likes a different color profile than I do, I can only work on their project in bits. I can do it, but when the color values are too far off of what makes me personally feel good, I have to take breaks from it.
Raised to Walk was a way for me to do something similar in writing about faith. Their perspective is not my perspective. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, but we aren’t to idolize Jewishness. As the Jesus said in Matthew 3:9 said, The Lord can make children of Abraham out of rocks.
This site was an outlet so I could write in my voice and from my perspective, not someone else’s. I wanted to say whatever I wanted to say and write exactly what I thought without someone coming behind and editing things out. I also didn’t want to write to keywords (I was already doing that for clients) … and I didn’t. So the fact that all of these sites have article titles exactly matching mine is evidence to me that the motive is one of malice and intentional sabotage … because I know they aren’t doing it for search because hardly anyone searches for those keywords!
9:20- Video of Google Search Console in September
If you look through my site, you will see that I have literally hundreds of videos listed on my site. There are 50 pages with videos in my “Reading through the Psalms” series. I have over 100 Bible study videos. All of them are listed on the site, even if I haven’t created an individual article for them. This is besides all the miscellaneous videos I’ve included in my articles over the years.
My videos used to come up frequently in Google’s search, both in the “video” tab of search as well as on the main search page.
Right now, as you see in this video, Google only has one video indexed for Reading through the Psalms and 188 found videos that aren’t indexed.
Over the past decade, I have created and shared hundreds of quote images of verses. This is beyond the regular images that I include in my posts. When I looked a couple of weeks ago, only ten or so were showing up if you did a search for Raised to Walk in the image search. Looking again today, there are more beginning to display in the results again, but it is still just a miniscule fraction of the total number of images I’ve published.
The sabotage isn’t limited to Google. If you follow any of my social media platforms, you will know that up until recentlly, most of what I posted were those images with quotes of Scripture, the same image each day across each platform. It looks to me like all of my images have been scrubbed from Twitter prior to 2021. I did not delete them.
(Note, in the part of the video where I say the average position of 11.3 isn’t that bad. That is the average position for the site as a whole for keywords bringing traffic. When I looked in May, it was far, far worse.)
12:22- Articles that have been sabotaged
I have mentioned in multiple livestreams about the hacking situation that my “How to Find God” article had consistently ranked in the top 5 results for search on Google for years. Sometimes it was the article providing the information for the Knowledge Box. Again, after the sabotage, that article was completely tanked.
With all the attacks coming at me from multiple areas, where a particular page ranks in search really hasn’t been high on my list of priorities. Other than putting these livestream updates on the page on Raised to Walk, I really haven’t done anything to the site or even started to look into the sabotage beyond what you are seeing here.
In other words, from the “before” when I reported the sabotage to the FBI, and the “after” that you see in this video, I have done nothing to counteract or correct the sabotage.
The only reason I went into Google Search Console was to see if the article, “What is the Spirit of Harlotry?”, was also removed in Google search. I don’t know if it was “before” because I didn’t realize until September 14th that this was another targeted post. But according to Google Search Console, the article is indexed and has an average rank of 1.9 for “spirit of harlotry.” (As you will see in the video, there are hardly any searches on this term. Again, I write because I want to write on a topic regardless of search volume). It is very odd that the page would be completely removed from the DuckDuckGo search when there are a number of articles that are indexed that link to it.
14:10- Example of sabotaged redirects
Below is an example of the sabotaged indexing of URLs a few months ago (from the complaint I submitted to the FBI on July 28, 2024).
14:50- Video of backlinks reported in Google Search Console
Currently, according to Google Search Console, raisedtowalk.org has 230 external links with 28 of those coming from Pinterest, 13 from Apple, and a total of 90 linking domains.
In the past decade, I myself have shared literally hundreds of images on Pinterest and that doesn’t include any images shared by others from my site. I have over two hundred podcast/audio episodes on the site, all of which have been submitted to Google. The link profile doesn’t show any links from Substack or Google scholar, just to name a few obvious linking domains missing.
Besides this, according to Google Search Console, there has been next to no drop in traffic, apart from a slight dip in August. That is not true. I have screenshots from May showing the dramatic drop as well as traffic reports from other analytic sources, which do not match Google Search Console at all.
19:23- What Google Search Console is showing
Looking at the 230 backlinks displaying in Google Search Console, there really aren’t any links displaying that are obviously problematic. But again, what GSC is displaying is not a true picture of the links pointing to the site. According to SEMRush, there are 8,500 links pointing to the site.
8,500 versus 230. That’s quite a difference.
SEMRush also shows a drop in May of 2024, and other drops in the summer of 2023. From what I have seen across various analytics platforms, it looks to me like the hard core targeting of my site with a negative SEO campaign began in 2021, which makes perfect sense if it is politically funded to benefit the GOP/Ted Cruz as that is when the efforts for 2024 would have begun.
21:13- Continued hacking of laptop
Not only is there an ongoing negative SEO campaign against this site, but the hacking of my devices is continuing. As I was preparing for this livestream, I was using Filmora, a video editing program, on my Dell laptop that I bought from Tekmobility in North Carolina through NewEgg to prepare the video clips included
Since I got the laptop, there have been issues and I was certain it came to me compromised. It arrived four days later than it was originally supposed to arrive. I have other videos that I recorded as hackers were in my site.
I reformatted the laptop entirely in August, scrubbing all of the data. When I got it back online, there were still issues even starting it. So I have just been using a different laptop for the past few weeks.
Last week, I decided to try the Dell laptop again … and there was no issue at all … until Saturday. I’m certain they are hacking through Google, as in there is someone paid off at Google that sees my logins. Once I logged into my main Google account on the Dell laptop and they realized I was using this device again, the hacking began again.
I am certain they have the device ID of the Dell laptop and that is how they are hacking. It isn’t a virus or malware because they were causing it to crash immediately after I completely reformatted the laptop.
I would get halfway through exporting the file, the screen and sound would glitch, and then the computer would completely freeze. The Windows task manager wouldn’t even load, so I would have to completely restart the laptop … and then we would go through it all over again. This happened at 12:15 pm, 1:04 pm, 1:29 pm, and 1:39 pm. After the last time, they corrupted the Filmora file … so I just edited it online with Clipchamp.
24:19- What I think
I think whoever is funding this is hiring loser flunkies to sit and harass through hacking my laptop. They don’t actually accomplish anything other than waste my time and try to prevent me from getting things out.
It wasn’t an issue with Filmora. They also made the computer glitch and freeze as I was typing in Notepad. The harassment didn’t stop until I finished writing the note to them in Notepad and told them they were idiots.
24:46- Creating a curse for you and your family
What is so ironic about the situation is that they were hacking and sabotaging as I was working on a clip speaking exactly to this situation. Your actions don’t just affect you, you bring a curse on your entire family and your associates.
What is so unbelievably dumb about the situation is that it’s like the GOP and Ted Cruz think that if they wipe out that Bible study from the internet and can keep people seeing it that it will change anything. Making the Bible study go away doesn’t make God and his judgment disappear.
25:35- Stolen work, stolen time, and stealing my life
There are a lot of people sitting in churches every Sunday thinking that just because they are hanging out in the “right” place on the “right” day around the “right” people that it excuses anything else they might do.
They can steal someone’s work if they call themselves a Christian.
They can lie and slander if they call themselves a Christian.
They can hack and sabotage if they call themselves a Christian and if they’re doing it so a “Christian” will win the election.
That isn’t the way God or the world works.
When the Lord says that “vengeance is mine” (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:17-19), it doesn’t mean that there won’t be vengeance or consequences for wrongdoing. It means that God himself will bring justice about in a way that we on our own never could.
He is the God of recompense. We all will get our just reward.
27:05- Reading without comprehension
People like to steal my words and work, but they never seem to understand them. There will be justice in this situation. All they have succeeded in accomplishing is piling up more iniquity for themselves.
28:30- Backend manipulation in Google products
Google Search Console is not the only Google product where there is manipulation on the backend. As I have mentioned in other livestreams, my YouTube channel has been sabotaged, descriptions wiped, public videos made unlisted and unlisted videos made public, and engagement and views have been wiped.
I am also certain that watch time is being manipulated. In the past three days, I have watched as engagement and views were wiped from two other channels. There may have been particular malice in the sabotaging of my channel, but I am not the only one being sabotaged.
I have mentioned several times that articles have been sabotaged in search and that wrong URLs were listed. I have even mentioned that the article, “How to Find God,” used to rank consistently in the top five.
After the sabotage, it wasn’t ranking at all … until I started talking about it in livestreams … all of a sudden it is showing as averaging 2.9 in Google search. Not according to SEMRush.
I think when I started talking about it, someone manufactured the search profile so that if someone in management happened to look, they would think that there was nothing wrong and not look any further.
30:30- The reason there are laws against monopolies
There is a reason that we have laws against monopolies. It is not only that monopolies have an unfair advantage and can smother their smaller competition, but when companies get too big they can’t even manage their own business.
This is a perfect example of that. If Google/Alphabet has such poor management that employees seemingly don’t even think twice about taking a bribe to hack someone’s accounts or manipulate data (which is what it seems to me to be going on) … then they are too big.
31:13- Wrap-up