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Disability and the Problem of Evil

by | Jul 10, 2021 | Reviews | 0 comments

Disability and the Problem of Evil: two topics that alone are not easy to grapple, and even more daunting when combined.

I had the privilege of reading an advanced copy of the book, as well as interviewing Dr. Schmoll on my YouTube channel, RaisedtoWalk.

The book wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, and it might not be what you are expecting either. Knowing that the author has lived with spinal muscular atrophy his entire life, you might expect that he writes about his personal experience. He doesn’t, or at least not much.

Instead, he introduces the reader to both the philosophical and theological problem of evil, as well as an overview of issues of related concerns in the disabled community. He defines disability itself and explains some perspectives that might surprise people who are not within the disability community. He explores the Biblical perspective on disability as well as how the church has traditionally handled it.

Read Disability and the Problem of Evil

Interested in reading this book? It is available in Kindle as well as print. Let me know what you think about the plot.

now then and everywhen
The author defines the problem of evil, outlines the three approaches to solving this problem from the Christian perspective, and finally provides insights and suggested resolutions for the problem of evil as it relates to disability.

If you have are in leadership of a church, ministry, or organization that numbers disabled among those you serve, this book should be on your list to read. And as the author points out, most people will experience some form of disability at some point in their life … so yes, this is something you should read.

If you are someone who has ever asked, “Why? Why did this happen?” and questioned how there could be a God who is good that allows the brokenness we see around us … read this book.