Hope is not delusion

Jun 25, 2023

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When you’re hard situation, you have to have hope to make it through. But hope is not delusion. How do we know when our hope is reasonable. Some Sunday thoughts.

Timestamps, Links, & Resources

0:00- Intro

3:50- Hope is not delusion

Bible studies on Hope

8:36- Delusion is not hope

10:30- Hope requires recognizing the goodness of God

12:34- Afghanistan passports

The dilemma of getting passports for children.

18:36- What it looks like when God opens doors

20:30- Afghan miracle worker

25:39- My new task – Finding a Turkish teacher

28:09- Afghanistan news

June 20, 2023: Pakistan: Government must stop harassing and arbitrarily arresting Afghans seeking refuge

Pakistan: Government must stop harassing and arbitrarily arresting Afghans seeking refuge

AFghan got to safety in Germany, but went back to Afghanistan for family and was killed by the Taliban

Young Afghan committed suicide in despair. He had been waiting for his P2 humanitarian parole application to the US to be processed.

June 23, 2023: n Afghan refugee committed “suicide” in Islamabad, Pakistan

یک پناه‌جوی اهل افغانستان در اسلام‌آباد پاکستان «خودکشی» کرد

USCIS put a block on processing of Afghan humanitarian parole cases

33:10- Generation Jihad podcast

Ross Wilson & the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal

The Long War Journal and Afghanistan analysis

March 2020: Generation Jihad, Episode 1: The U.S.-Taliban Withdrawal Deal
Hosts Bill Roggio and Tom Joscelyn review the U.S.-Taliban withdrawal agreement. They discuss why it isn’t a true peace deal, the Taliban’s ongoing alliance with al-Qaeda, and how the U.S. never dealt with Pakistani duplicity in America’s longest war.

February 21, 2023: Generation Jihad – Episode 88 – al Aqeda and Islamic State findings in new UN report
Host Bill Roggio and (now official) co-host Caleb Weiss are joined by former coordinator of the UN Security Council Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring team Edmund Fitton-Brown to discuss findings in the latest UN report on the Islamic State and al Qaeda.

June 15, 2023: Generation Jihad, Episode 94 – Al Qaeda ha key roles in Taliban’s Afghanistan
Bill welcomes back to the show Generation Jihad regular Ambassador Edmund Fitton-Brown. Now a member of the Counter Extremism Project’s advisory board, Edmund previously served as the UK’s Ambassador to Yemen and later as the coordinator of the U.N. Security Council’s Sanctions Monitoring Team.
Edmund’s former team at the U.N. just released its which details (among other troubling issues) just how embedded .

Bill and Edmund dissect the report’s findings.

Conditions of the Doha Agreement

The Doha Agreement

Zalmay Khalizad: One of the authors of the disastrous Doha agreement

April 27, 2023: FDD’s Long War Journal’s response to Zalmay Khalilzad’s Twitter thread

38:00- Whitewashing of the Taliban

June 18, 2023: The Taliban Government Runs on WhatsApp. There’s Just One Problem.
The Taliban administration is stuck in a cat-and-mouse game with WhatsApp, which is off-limits to the nascent government because of U.S. sanctions.

Taliban supporter appointed to UNAMA

44:06- The reality of the US withdrawal

We hung Afghans out to dry after the Doha agreement

Al Qaeda is operating training camps in Afghanistan

45:48- The hypocrisy of humanitarian NGOs

50:50- Helping Afghan Christians

<a href="https://raisedtowalk.org/author/carla/" target="_self">Carla M. Sallee Alvarez</a>

Carla M. Sallee Alvarez

Carla Alvarez is the founder of Raised to Walk and a founding board member of An Unexpected Journal, a Communications Director at Legacy Marketing Services where she uses her BS in Marketing to create communication strategies for business, and an unlikely case manager and Bible Study teacher for the Afghan Christians of Kabul Hope Latest Series: Hacked: the Saga How an oily politician and a band of intellectual property and identity thieves conspired to erase a third-grade Sunday school teacher, Read more of her work on Google Scholar and Substack or contact her to write for you.


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