How our School Board prepared me for the Taliban

May 29, 2023

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Afghanistan isn’t the only place shady people are in control. Thoughts for the day: how the actions for our school board prepared me for the Taliban.

Timestamps, Links, & Resources

0:00- Intro
Spirit of the Rainforest by Mark Andrew Ritchie
4:00- Not everything people tell you is true

5:00- Always Verify Information

8:50- Manipulators Obscure Facts

13:10- Always Check the Actual Source

April 12, 2017 Humble ISD trustee Heath Rushing resigns

August 9, 2017 Humble ISD appoints Colin Carney to vacant board position

21:30- The struggles with immigration for Afghan Christians

32:37- Greed & Agendas

About Board Certified Chaplains

ACPE: The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education

CHEA: Council for Higher Education Accreditation

MAY 19, 2023 Key supporter of Texas school chaplain bill has pushed for evangelism in schools

National School Chaplains Association


45:15- Be Careful Who You Trust

50:00- Kabul Hope Update

Afghanistan News

May 26, 2023: Gender Persecution in Afghanistan: Could it come under the ICC’s Afghanistan investigation?

Canada taking in 1000 Afghans

Taliban Searching Homes

May 25, 2023: Feds Resist Sped-Up Timeline For Afghan, Iraqi Ally Visas

May 11, 2023 Pakistan: Excessive Force against Violent Khan Protests

May 18, 2023 Who’s Maulvi Abdul Kabir, Afghanistan’s new Taliban-appointed PM?
Kabir has been associated with Taliban leadership since 2006, when Mullah Omar appointed him as a military commander.

An Afghan ally’s assessment of new Taliban leadership and the CIA’s involvement:

So there was a shake up in the Taliban government this week. The US (cia folks) met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar, Al-Thani, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim.

The US told Jassim to reiterate to the Taliban that the cia is not happy and wants some leadership changes.

So earlier this week, Jassim goes to Afghanistan.

When Jassim arrived in Afghanistan, Molavi Mohammad Hasan Akhund, was the Acting Prime Minister of Taliban.

Akhund is one of the founding members of the Taliban and has been a senior leading member of the movement. In the first Taliban government (1996–2001), he served as the deputy foreign minister.

Jassim then tells the Taliban leadership that the cia is upset and wants changes now and that they picked the successor.

The Taliban just issued a statement 2 days ago now saying that Akhund is “sick” and they will appoint a new PM in his place.

The US/cia picked the new PM.

Meet him:

Molavi Mohammed Abdul Kabir is a senior member of the Taliban leadership and an acting third deputy prime minister.

👉🏽 Member of Haqqani network.

Let me tell you who Kabir is:

1. He is on the UN blacklist.

2. He is accused of organizing a bombing in 2007. The explosion killed at least 75 people, including 59 children.

3. He is accused by the UN of collecting taxes from drug smugglers.

Why did the Us demand this change? Akhund was/is very anti-American and didn’t agree to the US demands of letting girls and women back into school.

So, Kabir is a member of the haqqani network and they will literally do anything for cash and yes, the Us pays the Taliban 80 million each week and no it is not for “humanitarian” work.

This should raise some concerns as the haqqani are the worst gang on the planet and recruit suicide bombers on the daily. When, if something happens in the US you can bet it will be from Haqqani but, the US seems to like this gang.

Molavi Mohammad Hasan Akhund, Acting Prime Minister of Taliban
Akhund is one of the founding members of the Taliban and has been a senior leading member of the movement. In the first Taliban government (1996–2001), he served as the deputy foreign minister. Akhund is one of the oldest members of the Taliban and was a close associate of Mohammed Omar, the first leader of the Taliban. born between 1945–1950 in Kandahar province, Pashton from Norzai Tribe.

Molavi Mohammed Abdul Kabir is a senior member of the Taliban leadership and an acting third deputy prime minister. born between 1958 and 1963, in Paktia, Pashton, from the Zadran tribe. Member of Haqqani network.

<a href="" target="_self">Carla M. Sallee Alvarez</a>

Carla M. Sallee Alvarez

Carla Alvarez is the founder of Raised to Walk and a founding board member of An Unexpected Journal, a Communications Director at Legacy Marketing Services where she uses her BS in Marketing to create communication strategies for business, and an unlikely case manager and Bible Study teacher for the Afghan Christians of Kabul Hope Latest Series: Hacked: the Saga How an oily politician and a band of intellectual property and identity thieves conspired to erase a third-grade Sunday school teacher, Read more of her work on Google Scholar and Substack or contact her to write for you.



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