When Hope is Deferred

Aug 21, 2023

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0:00 Intro
9:09- When hope is deferred

The Afghanistan Project Podcast Episode 22: Will Selber

Sunday Thoughts Episode 21: Cheap Talk and Faith without Works

August 31, 2021: Remarks by President Biden on the End of the War in Afghanistan

13:42- Afghanistan News

@Punk319 The Taliban set new passport prices for Afghans living abroad from 120 to 220 dollars:

August 16, 2023: The Taliban set new passport prices for Afghans living abroad from $120 to $220 dollars

طالبان قیمت‌های جدید پاسپورت برای افغان‌های مقیم خارج را از ۱۲۰ تا ۲۲۰ دالر تعیین کردند

@StephanAJensen The Taliban are doing such a good job bringing peace and prosperity to Afghanistan that everyone wants to leave the country.

@StephanAJensen Dear @unherd -as you proudly claim to be committed to independent voices- might it be relevant to note, when you publish a piece praising the “Taliban’s success,” that the article’s author is the wife of the lead US negotiator whose deal with the Taliban brought them to power?

Generation Jihad podcast

@Saalssall Dear Pashtun Friends,

Some Pashtuns have cut down fruit trees of their Hazara neighbours in Uruzgan. They used Taliban to intimidate, bully, & harass Hazaras. Why are you silent about this injustice? Isn’t it a violation of peaceful coexistence? Won’t it intensify ethnic hatred?

@KabulNow Hazara farmer killed following destruction of fruit trees in Uruzgan province | KabulNow

August 18, 2023: Hazara farmer killed following destruction of fruit trees in Uruzgan province

Hazara farmer killed following destruction of fruit trees in Uruzgan province

Deuteronomy 20:19-20 ESV

“When you besiege a city for a long time, making war against it in order to take it, you shall not destroy its trees by wielding an axe against them. You may eat from them, but you shall not cut them down. Are the trees in the field human, that they should be besieged by you? Only the trees that you know are not trees for food you may destroy and cut down, that you may build siegeworks against the city that makes war with you, until it falls.

@heatherbarr1 “Global News asked a Taliban spokesperson if girls will ever be allowed to return to school while they are in power. He refused to answer directly, saying domestic issues belong to Afghanistan.”

Joint Declaration between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the United States of America
for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan

Part three, item 3

3. The United States will refrain from the threat or the use of force against the territorial integrity or
political independence of Afghanistan or intervening in its domestic affairs.

@josephazam Saying this clearly. The Taliban continue to kidnap, disappear, and torture Afghans, including advocates, journalists, and former members of the Afghan armed forces. The reason you don’t see “academics” and “humanitarians” talking about it is bc it hurts their narratives.

@natiqmalikzada The horror of the Taliban continues! Faizullah Takhan Abadi, a former ANDSF commander and member of the Jamiat Islami party – Atta Mohammad Noor faction, in the Chah Aab district of Takhar province, was arbitrarily executed by the Taliban this evening. Sources say the Taliban first arrested him and then shot him. #Afghanistan

From President Biden’s withdrawal speech

In fact, just yesterday, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution that sent a clear message about what the international community expects the Taliban to deliver on moving forward, notably freedom of travel, freedom to leave. And together, we are joined by over 100 countries that are determined to make sure the Taliban upholds those commitments.

It will include ongoing efforts in Afghanistan to reopen the airport, as well as overland routes, allowing for continued departure to those who want to leave and delivery of humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan.

The Taliban has made public commitments, broadcast on television and radio across Afghanistan, on safe passage for anyone wanting to leave, including those who worked alongside Americans. We don’t take them by their word alone but by their actions, and we have leverage to make sure those commitments are met.

@skotrds This is not unexpected. But this also means that the concept of inclusion, meaning to represent different ideas and communities is not a viable possibility.
== Abdul Hakim Sharei, the Taliban’s Minister of Justice, said that the activities of political parties in Afghanistan have been prohibited.

August 16, 2023: Taliban Confirms Absolute Ban of Political Parties in Afghanistan

@KabulNow Former soldier killed in Kapisa province amid rise in mysterious killings

August 18, 2023: Former soldier killed in Kapisa province amid rise in mysterious killings

Former soldier killed in Kapisa province amid rise in mysterious killings

@Punk319 The study notes hundreds of reports of women being violently killed by the Taliban, with the figures indicating a “gradual rise” in femicide cases.

August 15, 2023: Women beheaded and bodies dumped in rivers under Taliban rule in Afghanistan, report says
‘We have seen reported cases of femicide on the increase, the reintroduction of public lashings and ex

@StephanAJensen Taliban orders taxi drivers in Kandahar to only allow women in the trunk of their cars.
You cant make up this s**t. Pure barbarism.

August 14, 2023: Taliban directive: Women belong in a taxi’s trunk, not its passenger seats

Taliban directive: Women belong in a taxi’s trunk, not its passenger seats

@mursal_ayar This girl, like hundreds and thousands of other young women, has entered into the marriage of a terrorist Taliban by threats and force. She was proposed by the terrorist Taliban, which was rejected by her family and herself, but the terrorists killed this woman by threatening her father and other family members with death. to marry by force 😔v


Resistance develops hope ✊

The Taliban managed to grow its base, despite having nothing positive to offer. That means that pockets of resistance can certainly grow.

From little things, big things grow.

= “Despite these violations, Afghan women have been resisting nonstop. This resistance is teaching girls that movements pave the way for other movements. Even small pockets of resistance will generate more.”

@SamiullahMahdi Deeply concerned about Taliban’s recent arrests of nearly a dozen journalists in Afghanistan, including some affiliated with Amu TV and some whom we have worked with over the years. The crackdown on journalists and systemic censorship is at record high. Calling on the Taliban to set free all journalists and activists, including the foreign reporters.

@KabulNow Huawei to provide the Taliban with advanced surveillance systems | KabulNow

August 18, 2023: Huawei to provide the Taliban with advanced surveillance systems

Huawei to provide the Taliban with advanced surveillance systems

@natiqmalikzada Forty years ago, the Mujahideen: Communism and the Soviets are trying to destroy our religion and country. We need to act. And the USA was like: Absolutely, you should! Here are some Stingers. Use them.

Now Taliban after 40 years, after millions died fighting communism: You know what? You know what? To hell with our Uyghur Muslim brothers and sisters who are facing genocide. Maybe it’s time to give communism another shot, but with China this time.

@Punk319 Question: how will these cameras work when the country continues to encounter electricity problems?

@MahmoudSaikal “The Taliban have spent decades building a global monopoly on heroin, dominating the $55-billion-a-year market with almost 100% of production. Massive stockpiles of raw opium mean that “Made In Afghanistan” heroin isn’t likely to run out any time soon”

August 19, 2023: Is the Taliban getting hooked on fentanyl?
The terror group in charge of Afghanistan has shut down the heroin trade – what comes next could be even worse

@KabulNow WHO appeals for increased funding for Afghanistan’s crippling healthcare

August 18, 2023: WHO appeals for increased funding for Afghanistan’s crippling healthcare

WHO appeals for increased funding for Afghanistan’s crippling healthcare

@KabulNow Women lose value if they show their faces in public, Taliban official says | KabulNow

August 18, 2023: Women lose value if they show their faces in public, Taliban official says

Women lose value if they show their faces in public, Taliban official says

@TOLOnews Acting Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, during a ceremony on Afghanistan’s Independence Day, said that the Islamic Emirate has remained committed to the Doha agreement but the world creates problems for Afghans with various excuses and because of problems that exist inside their own countries.
Haqqani asked the world to interact with Afghanistan.

@SarahAh998 “The women [of Afghanistan] are the ones who ultimately will piece that broken country back together because they are the ones who have fought the hardest to keep it from falling completely apart.”

May 31, 2022: The World Is Still Failing Afghan Women
The Taliban are diplomatically feted even as they destroy women’s rights.

The World Is Still Failing Afghan Women

@Punk319 In a video that reached Afghanistan International, it can be seen that the tricolor flag of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is flying in the sky of Jalalabad on Saturday amid the excitement of the residents of Jalalabad.

37:00- The Withdrawal from Afghanistan

@natiqmalikzada For centuries to come, history will remember this.

@submarine_lemon Some people currently trying to survive in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries have told me they envy the people who fell off the plane two years ago. Imagine that. Don’t forget Afghanistan. #NoToTaliban #DoNotRecognizeTaliban #August15BlackDay

@Just_Kate_K Today marks two years since the Taliban took Kabul. I don’t have any words of encouragement or inspiration to offer, nor is it my place to.

All I can offer is what I know: pain.

The pain of Afghan women who are being eradicated from their nation’s history.

@StephanAJensen 🇦🇫 On this dark anniversary, we do well to remember the sacrifices of the soldiers and officers of the Afghan Republic that fell on this day, two years ago.

At least 70.000 of them gave their lives for a free Afghanistan, and they kept doing so after everyone else had given up

August 15th marked the most tragic and indelible day in Afghanistan’s history!

This image depicts the Afghan Presidential Palace, captured at 3:30 p.m. – a pivotal moment.
Amidst the chaos, there remained a glimmer of hope that the mistakes of the past wouldn’t resurface.
Regrettably, history is now repeating its dark chapters, plunging internal stakeholders and the Afghan populace into yet another day of anguish and sorrow.

November 20, 2022: GROUND ZERO
The Evacuation of the CIA’s Afghan Proxies Has Opened One of the War’s Blackest Boxes

The Evacuation of the CIA’s Afghan Proxies Has Opened One of the War’s Blackest Boxes

@submarine_lemon “The TB commanders in Kabul were in regular contact with the US led deconfliction center months earlier secretly set up by the 2 sides which showed that the arrangement to help the Talibs get in was made months ago. That is why there was no misunderstanding between the 2 sides.”

== Two years agon on this day the most powerful military alliance in the world i.e., US & NATO practically demonstrated backstabbing the Afghan people by embracing the Taliban in Kabul based on the secret annexes of the Doha Agreement conspiracy. They stepped over the Strategic…

@StephanAJensen Liars, propagandists, and ignoramuses claim the fall of Afghanistan two years ago as evidence that most Afghans **wanted** the Taliban to win.

I can’t speak for the people of Afghanistan, but I can present what the data says:

Only **4%** of Afghanistan supported the Taliban.

@StephanAJensen Some context:

– 4% of Afghans had “a lot of sympathy” with the Taliban, another 9% had “some”

– 15% of Americans believe “True American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country”

Armed opposition may be more popular in the US than in Afghanistan🇺🇸🇦🇫

@fazilaamiri that 4% most likely wants to keep their heads over their bodies.

@Faxlirahim after 2014 US and its funded media started a campaign in favor of the Taliban. they were showing the Taliban as freedom and justice fighters. the same team was exaggerating the problems in govt of Afghanistan, trying to get sympathy for the Taliban. that campaign worked for US

@StephanAJensen It’s not just Afghans who are heartbroken by how Afghanistan was betrayed two years ago.
US and coalition veterans, too, are still devastated by how our leaders made us abandon Afghanistan – as @AggieWill00 shows in this powerful essay.

@natiqmalikzada “Eeven if coward Ghani has fled and the whole Afghanistan surrendered, I do not hand my weapon to the #Punjabis (Taliban). I fight”

Two years ago on this day a commando officer telling his cdr that he will not surrender his weapon & he fights till death.

August 15, 2023: I Remember the Afghans We Left Behind
Two years after the fall of Kabul, memory still isn’t enough, but it’s all I have left to give.

@AmrullahSaleh2 Two years agon on this day the most powerful military alliance in the world i.e., US & NATO practically demonstrated backstabbing the Afghan people by embracing the Taliban in Kabul based on the secret annexes of the Doha Agreement conspiracy. They stepped over the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) and the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) which they had signed with the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. They shamelessly skipped the solid promise of the western world, widely covered by media and still available on internet, that the Afghan people won’t be left in the mercy of terrorists & proxy forces ever again.

It was due to this promise that we had agreed to work in the mutually agreed frameworks else the Talibs would not have been able to occupy our land. Joe Biden weeks earlier had directly lied to us by saying American withdrawal wasn’t aimed at empowering the Taliban or welcoming them to Kabul. The support to Afghan government will continue, he said, until peace agreement is implemented.

In our trip to Washington, we raised concern based on our fragmented knowledge about the malign impact of the secret annexes of the Doha agreement on the situation. He denied these annexes existed. In that trip the White House, the Pentagon and the CIA all lied to us. They warned us not to resort to contingencies outside the existing frameworks. To cover up this betrayal they have been trying to blame us, the weaker partner for the disaster and the shameful abandonment to safeguard their credibility.

On this date two years ago, instead of begging for evacuation I went to my village to take part in the resistance & revive our roots. It has been two years since that disastrous day that we continue to struggle for freedom, for human dignity, for a pluralistic Afghanistan & for a human friendly Afghanistan by relying on our own values and means. It is difficult but dignified.

And since that day the US is giving 60 million dollars to the Taliban every week to consolidate their rule even though women have been erased from public life and “allies of the US military” are being slaughtered wherever captured or arrested.

I am writing this not in nostalgia, desperation, or plea for help. I am writing this to warn my generation & the generations next to be careful in making alliances with the West in particular. They are after their own naked interest whether it is their NGOs, banks, media or state institutions. We learned it the hard way. The Taliban won’t be able to survive months without the generous cash assistance flooded from Washington and its allies for this barbaric group.

As the Taliban & the US soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder in Kabul airport to manage the new situation the Taliban continued to attack us in the Panjshir and Andarab. This was an astonishing scene. It seemed as if the US military had signed up for Taliban style Jihad too. The Taliban commanders in Kabul were in regular contact with the US led de-confliction center months earlier secretly set up by the two sides which showed that the arrangement to help the Talibs get in was made months ago.

That is why there was no misunderstanding between the two sides. The only side which misunderstood the situation was the Afghan people and the Afghan leaders including myself.

So today the physical control of Afghanistan is with the Taliban plus + 20 foreign groups, the ISI which has realized its dream of subjugating Afghanistan and several West backed intelligence organizations functioning in the name of NGOs.

Afghanistan will be a liberated country. It can’t be assimilated into a Taliban-stan in a pressure cooker.

Two millions have fled the country & millions of others are hating the barbaric regime. We are used to seeking validation from Western media who aren’t reporting this as it isn’t in conformity with the interest of their deep states.

We must do more with less. I use twitter for my English audience & have been saying this through other means in Farsi. Afghanistan will be freed. Inshallah.

@AfghanEmbassyAu (Persian translation by Google)
Two years since the usurpation of power by the Taliban
Statement of the Coordinating Council of Diplomatic and Consular Missions of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
24 Asad 1402 according to 15 August 2023

Today, two years have passed since the usurpation of power in Afghanistan by the Taliban as a tragic event. In these two years, the Taliban have led the country and the people to a dark and dangerous path, which is accompanied by the deepest humanitarian crisis, alarming economic situation, severe violation of human rights, increasing threat of international terrorism, and political instability. These factors have led to brain drain and forced a large number of Afghan people to leave their country and seek refuge abroad.

In the last two years, the international community continued to interact with the Taliban group in the hope that they would fulfill their commitments. Unfortunately, the situation in Afghanistan has continued to deteriorate and the problems and challenges of the Afghan people have deepened. If women and girls are still deprived of the right to education, employment, access to justice and basic freedoms, and they are faced with widespread and deliberate exclusion from different layers of society and systematic discrimination, which is considered gender apartheid.

As it is recorded in the report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan: “Nowhere in the world has there been a widespread, systematic and widespread violation of the rights of women and girls as in Afghanistan.” In addition, arbitrary arrests and extra-legal targeted killings by the Taliban continue in different parts of the country.
While the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has worsened; The lack of rule of law in Afghanistan has now led to an increase in the threat of international terrorism. The June 2023 United Nations report points to the increased presence of international terrorist groups in Afghanistan, along with a strong and continuous link between the Taliban and these groups, according to which “the threat of terrorism is increasing both in Afghanistan and in the region. ”

At the same time, the Taliban repeatedly reject any meaningful negotiations with political and social forces to find a comprehensive political solution and form an inclusive, legal and accountable structure; They have rejected it as the best way to create stability in the country and, contrary to the will and wishes of the people, they emphasize on their one-sided and violent rule.
The deterioration of the political, economic, security and humanitarian situation shows that despite tolerance and international interaction with the Taliban, this group could not or does not want to fulfill its obligations.

Therefore, two years after the usurpation of power by the Taliban, the opportunity has now been provided for the international community to reflect and reconsider how it interacts with the Taliban and its impact on the actions of this group in relation to the people’s wishes and expectations. Such a review requires a change in the approach of the international community towards Afghanistan in order to create a positive change in the current situation.

We emphasize the following in the framework of a new international approach:

  1. We ask the international community to maintain their united position regarding non-recognition and unconditional interaction with the Taliban;
  2. Coordinating and creating consensus in international efforts to start a political process through an authentic national discourse under the supervision of the United Nations, with the participation of all Afghans, especially democratic political forces, civil society, women and youth representatives, political parties with the aim of promoting Giving the country to a legal, elected and accountable system that reflects the rights and will of the Afghan people;
  3. We ask the international community to significantly increase its interaction with the political and democratic forces of Afghanistan and support their cohesion and convergence within the framework of a common national political program based on the national interests of the Afghan people. do;
  4. The need to adopt new measures to monitor, investigate and ensure accountability for human rights violations in Afghanistan: violations of the basic rights of Afghan women and girls must be recognized by the international community as gender apartheid. In addition, it is necessary to provide more fields for empowering women;
  5. The role of the United Nations in creating and consolidating the international consensus on Afghanistan should be strengthened. If the holding of the United Nations conference in Doha in May of this year with the presence of the Secretary General of the United Nations, special representatives of the countries of the region and the international community is considered the first important step in this direction. This initiative should be accelerated and help create a “political road map” to achieve a comprehensive political solution in the country;
  6. Humanitarian aid should be increased to meet the urgent needs and save the lives of the Afghan people, and the effectiveness of these aid should be guaranteed. Reports about the relative reduction of humanitarian aid in such a situation are alarming. Mechanisms should also be established to ensure that these aids are not diverted and misused;
  7. Adopting coordinated and effective measures to deal with serious threats caused by the presence of various foreign terrorist groups as well as drug production and trafficking, which is considered an important security threat for Afghanistan, the region and the international community.

Diplomatic and consular missions of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan are still committed and determined to meet the needs of the growing community of Afghans living abroad, including through the provision of important and basic consular services.

In addition, we are in close cooperation with host countries, international organizations, friends of Afghanistan and Afghans living around the world in order to overcome the deep humanitarian crisis in the country, reach real peace, and achieve a democratic, stable Afghanistan. And one cloth, we are committed.

We once again express our gratitude to all of Afghanistan’s international friends and partners around the world for their commitment and continuous support to the Afghan people, who are in the most difficult days of their history.

August 20, 2023: Taliban says thousands of suicide bombers assembled within its army

Taliban says thousands of suicide bombers assembled within its army

@skotrds The political situation with Afghanistan and the Taliban appears complex, but it is not. It is however difficult let’s break this down.

1. Doha was based on the idea that political participation would require concession from the Taliban; a/k/a the Irish Model. It failed.

@heatherbarr1 “I don’t see any repentance in him,” said one former senior Afghan govt official, who was granted anonymity for personal security reasons. “That’s what I would like to see — that he repents about how badly he screwed up both for the U.S. and Afghanistan.”

August 13, 2023: Zalmay Khalilzad’s push to stay relevant after losing Afghanistan
The former U.S. envoy believes it’s still possible to shift Afghanistan toward a more inclusive government through the accord he negotiated.

@heatherbarr1 “The day the Taliban came, I cried all day. I was planning to start life, but I realized life had come to an end. Then I joined the protests.”

August 17, 2023: The Taliban should be brought to trial, not the negotiation table: Rishmin Joyanda

The Taliban should be brought to trial, not the negotiation table: Rishmin Joyanda

August 14, 2023: Afghanistan: two years after Taliban takeover the west is letting down the democratic opposition
Afghanistan: two years after Taliban takeover the west is letting down the democratic opposition

August 15, 2023: The Taliban seized Kabul 2 years ago. Those who escaped still struggle

The Taliban seized Kabul 2 years ago. Those who escaped still struggle

@Afghan_American https://twitter.com/Afghan_American/status/1691333634069008384

@KabulNow Ten leading international human rights groups have in a joint statement condemned the lack of an effective response from the international community to the Taliban’s gross human rights violations and gender persecution in two years of the group’s rule in Afghanistan

@HudsonInstitute As the second anniversary of America’s disastrous #Afghanistan withdrawal nears, @LukeDCoffey
explains that instead of pointless talks with the Taliban, the US should be working with its partners to develop a coherent strategy for the country.

August 4, 2023: The US Has No Afghan Policy … It Badly Needs One

@PunishedAmanda The forecast was 18-24 months. It’s now 24 months.
==major security threat for the Central Asian nations is now emerging in Afghanistan, where international terrorist organizations are gaining in influence & Western countries are working more actively with armed groups, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu

August 15, 2023: West ramping up interaction with armed groups in Afghanistan — Russian defense minister

@JeffRigsby2 In September, the US announced the creation of the Fund for the Afghan People, set up in Switzerland to manage $3.5 billion in central bank assets.

In October, I asked for proof that the money was in the Fund.

I now have an official reply. But it doesn’t show that.


@natiqmalikzada Zakia Khudadadi became champion of Europe today as an immigrant in taekwondo. While speaking with the media, she was overcome with emotion thinking about the pain of being stateless and not being able to raise Afghanistan flag.

The pain of being without a homeland is very hard and painful. I wish no human experience it ever.

@KabulNow HRW criticizes Germany for not fulfilling promises to accept Afghanistan refugees

August 18, 2023: HRW criticizes Germany for not fulfilling promises to accept Afghanistan refugees

HRW criticizes Germany for not fulfilling promises to accept Afghanistan refugees

@KabulNow The Taliban’s main spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, has said that the group believes in good relations with the countries of the region and the world based on Islamic law|

Taliban: We want our relationship with other countries based on Islamic principles

Taliban: We want our relationship with other countries based on Islamic principles

@DastageerMuska There are Afghans with whom I disagree very much. But I read what they write. I try to understand. I care about them even if I don’t know them. Because we share the pain of the past four decades. We might have clung to different pieces of debris, but it was the same maelstroem.

52:04- Persecution of Christians in Pakistan

@ChrisanneChin At least 4 church buildings have been destroyed in Jaranwala district in Faisalabad, Pakistan today: Salvation Army, Catholic and 2 evangelical churches. The Christian community is believed to have fled to various places. Please pray for peace to prevail in Pakistan.

The tiny Christian community in Faisalabad is currently under attack.
= Words fail me as I write this. We, Bishops, Priests and lay people are deeply pained and distressed at the Jaranwala incident in the Faisalabad District in Pakistan. A church building is being burnt as I type this message. Bibles have been desecrated and Christians have been…

World Watch List 2023
The World Watch List is Open Doors’ annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution.
Explore the profiles for each country to find in-depth information about their situation, believers’ stories, and specific prayer requests.

Bible study where I share the story of the Pakistani pastor and his wife who were attacked

55:45- Kabul Hope Update

Barbie Movie livestream discussion

1:01:23 Wrap-up & Chat

Til We Have Faces Summary





<a href="https://raisedtowalk.org/author/carla/" target="_self">Carla M. Sallee Alvarez</a>

Carla M. Sallee Alvarez

Carla Alvarez is the founder of Raised to Walk and a founding board member of An Unexpected Journal, a Communications Director at Legacy Marketing Services where she uses her BS in Marketing to create communication strategies for business, and an unlikely case manager and Bible Study teacher for the Afghan Christians of Kabul Hope Latest Series: Hacked: the Saga How an oily politician and a band of intellectual property and identity thieves conspired to erase a third-grade Sunday school teacher, Read more of her work on Google Scholar and Substack or contact her to write for you.


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