Author: Carla Alvarez

What is Discerning of Spirits?

You often hear people say:

“They give me the willies”

“You look depressed.”

“It was a very tense situation.”

“I felt someone looking at me.”

When someone talks about picking up on the emotion of a person or the spirit/atmosphere in a situation, we understand what they mean. Ninety-three percent of communication is communication by something other than words.

Discerning of Spirits Meaning

But many times the concept of “discerning of spirits” is foreign, or a little uncomfortable for people.

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Renting Lacy Summary

One part of the Holocaust March of Remembrance memorial service, at least here in Houston, is the testimony of Nazi descendants telling the story of what their parents or grandparents did, expressing their repentance, and seeking forgiveness from Holocaust survivors and their descendants.  It is a very powerful moment. It is also one that gets some people a little agitated.  The concept of identificational repentance really bothers some Christians who think that we’re saved by grace that we don’t have to deal with any other baggage. Not only is the testimony of the Germans one of forgiveness, but there story is also one of how exposing and repenting of those actions not only set them free personally, but it has transformed their city.  (Here is an article on the power of identificational repentance.)

Unclean Hands

So what does this have to do with this book? This past year, we had seven marches in two days in Houston.  Six on Saturday in communities around the city in the formation of the Star of David and one in Central Houston on Sunday.  Eleven Nazi descendants flew in on Friday to speak at the different locations.  On Saturday night, the planning team had dinner with the Germans. We know their story.  They are warring for change in their community by breaking the silence, exposing what really happened, and repenting. One of them asked Mitch, “So what does your city have to repent of?” He replied, “Well, we have the largest abortion mill in the nation, we are a major hub for human and sex trafficking . . . ” and went on with a list of other things.

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Thankful for Freedom

While it may seem cliche, I am very thankful that I live in a country where we can worship God freely and openly without infringement.  As of today anyway.

Just because it is that way now, it doesn’t mean it will always be that way if we do not guard it carefully.  There is a huge force to minimize, to trivialize,and even to criminalize  Bible believing Christians.  We are the new group that is on the government “watch lists.”   People are being penalized  for standing firm for their faith.

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Nine Days in Heaven Review

One day I was browsing through the bookstore at my church while waiting to pick up my kids and I came across this book, Nine Days in Heaven, by Dennis and Nolene Prince.

The book is an update of one originally written titled Scenes from Beyond the Grave in 1859 by Marietta Davis, a young woman who was in a coma for 9 days, during which time she had an experience of heaven.

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