The Importance of Phonics

This started to be a discussion on truth and ended up being on the importance of phonics. Reading well is essential to being able to discover truth for ourselves.

How Hackers Steal Your Influence

Hackers steal your influence in multiple ways: by stealing content, identities, stories, subscriptions, watch time, and likes … and then sabotage and tank the originator

The Other Thing Hackers Hate

Beyond the posts where I mention Ted Cruz is a hypocrite, the hackers really hate the posts where I talk about the reality of the Holy Spirit and ask “who is Jesus to you?”

A Message to People with More Money than Sense

A message to people with more money than sense who are bankrolling the sabotage on my accounts as retaliation. You are doing nothing more than finding a personal vendetta and, in the process, have made yourself a co-conspirator in multiple crimes

To the Petty and Basic Criminals Hacking Me

The people directing the hacking seem to think that wiping out my site and burying me in search is going to make a difference in Ted Cruz’s campaign. It doesn’t. People don’t like Ted Cruz! Whether I say anything or not.
